Yesterday, Monday 25th May, the new Royal Childrens' Hospital Sings Choir had their very first rehearsal.
As with most things, it is hard to know what to expect when you are just starting out with a new project. We had the feeling that there was a lot of interest and quite a lot of 'buzz' about the new choir program around the hospital, but were blown away to see over 70 members front up at the first session!
Even more surprising (and delightfully so) was absolutely beautiful sound that emerged from this group of people. If that is what they sound like on their first rehearsal, I cannot wait to hear what they sound like after a few.
If you enter a kindergarten you will encounter some of the best creative thinking anywhere: finger paintings with pink and green people and blue dogs and polka-dot skies, imaginative stories of fairies and magical, far-away places. Young children are naturally creative. They must create ways to learn and construct a world view from a collection of initially disconnected events, colours, movement and sound. So what happens between the open, effortless experimentation of our childhood and the blocks in creative thinking experienced by many adults? (Tania de Jong AM of Creativity Australia has more).
One of the challenges businesses face today is overcoming the barriers to stimulating creativity and innovation. These barriers are ever present. We live in a world where computers, the internet, image and celebrities take us further away from connecting with one another meaningfully. We are in danger of becoming a society where alienation, disengagement and self centeredness are entrenched. We need to create opportunities for individuals and communities to connect with one another in new and meaningful ways.
Therefore it is critical to find creative and innovative ways to bring people together, to build resilience and social capital during these highly uncertain times. Doing so can develop stronger communication and problem solving skills, and thereby foster sustainable levels of motivation and wellbeing at a personal and organisational level. This will in turn lead to greater levels of engagement, innovation and productivity in organisations, and an enhanced ability to make a contribution to our society rather than just focusing on profits.
One way of improving our world is to help people learn how to think and act differently. We believe creativity offers the answers to many of the big issues we face in these unprecedented times, because it can help unlock our full human potential.
Yet in many organizations there is no clear avenue for developing personal creativity or for nurturing ideas. In fact, those with the ideas are often ignored or stifled, so that eventually their voices and ideas fall silent. However in the face of competitive and economic pressures, many organisations are convinced that creativity and innovation are the keys to success.
There is significant international research about the enormous benefits of creative participation for wellbeing, self esteem, connection to others, increased brain function and much more. Unlocking creative potential will not only help people’s sense of self esteem, connection and wellbeing but will lead to outcomes including meaningful and creative leadership, greater innovation, a sense of connection and increased productivity. There is a yearning to align life purpose with work to make it meaningful and work is meaningful when all of our self is being engaged and challenged, including our creativity.
We were so proud to watch our beloved Melbourne Sings choir absolutely nail it at their very first performance at the Artists Unite Bushfire Appeal Auction last night at Fitzroy Town Hall.
It was definitely hard to believe they have only been practising for a couple of months!
Here is a little snippet of their performance:
To see some pics from the night, visit the gallery page on our website.
Creativity Australia is a not-for-profit organization partnering with business, education, health, community and charity groups, government and philanthropists. By encouraging greater innovation and creativity, Creativity Australia will provide a new and exciting path to personal wellbeing, acceptance, social inclusion and happier and more productive members of our great Australian community.
Our society is fragmented and our connection with other people and ability to communicate and express ourselves is limited. This fragmentation undermines our fundamental human values, sense of family and community. It is associated with a rise in chronic ill health (obesity, diabetes, heart disease), mental illness and child abuse. It also affects Australia’s ability to realize its full potential as an innovative nation and leads to lower employee engagement and retention. In the Information Age most of us communicate more with screens and images than we do with other human beings. It is said that most of us go through our lives with our music unplayed.
There has never been a more important time to develop those human attributes which set us apart from machines. We are entering a Creative/Conceptual Age and we require targeted creative programs and leadership engaging with the right side of the brain.
Through these programs we can help people to express their emotions and connect on a meaningful level with others. As people let their music out into the world (figuratively speaking) they will start to unlock their full creative potential as human beings and think ‘outside the square’ so that they can make a valuable contribution.
Our Vision
To unlock the innate creativity present in all human beings, so as to improve mental health and wellbeing, social cohesion, innovation and productivity.
Our Mission
To develop sustainable and creative programs and advocate for creative thinking and leadership around the country in the workforce, and in partnership with the community.
The Creative Connection
Including creativity in people’s lives leads to improved:
Positive feelings, resilience, health and wellbeing
Ability to innovate and think "outside the square"
Connection to others
Engagement in life, work and community
Freedom of expression and communication
Self awareness
Self-esteem and sense of wellbeing
Job satisfaction
Skills for work/life balance and health protection
As a result people are more likely to be happier in their relationships, lives and work and contribute to their communities and nation.
"A profound change is taking place in the organisations that are seriously concerned about the future of business and society as they are realising that ‘rational man’ is giving way to 'artful human'." - Lotte Darsø, Artful Creation
Creativity Australia is a not-for-profit organization partnering with business, education, health, community and charity groups, government and philanthropists. By encouraging greater innovation and creativity, Creativity Australia will provide a new and exciting path to personal wellbeing, acceptance, social inclusion and happier and more productive members of our great Australian community.
Creativity Australia is a not-for-profit organization partnering with business, education, health, community and charity groups, government and philanthropists. By encouraging greater innovation and creativity, Creativity Australia will provide a new and exciting path to personal wellbeing, acceptance, social inclusion and happier and more productive members of our great Australian community.